how we work
Our Journal Standard Board includes experienced academics with a huge global reach. They set the standards we use for our SIX listing categories: A*, A, B*, B, C and P.
Our Journal Review Board includes academics with specific topic knowledge. They review journals and place them into one of our six categories.
Our Administration Team operates the day-to-day functions of this listing service, and we proudly state that we do not accept any funding from publishers, researchers or academic institutions. We are completely self-funded through independent grants that allow us complete editorial freedom to make journal ranking decisions. Our Acting Chief Executive is Professor Dr Dr Jens Mueller, MNZM, MRSNZ (New Zealand).

Journal Standards Board
Co-Chair: Prof. Armando Papa, University of Turin, Italy
Prof. Antonio Usai, University of Sassari, Italy
Listing Categories
A* = Journals of global elite distinction
A = Journals of global superb performance
B* = Journals of global excellent performance
B = Journals of very good performance
C = Journals of good performance
P = Journals with potential to be listed in the future