Journals starting with "O-P"
This list was last updated on 16 October 2019 and is due for review by 30 June 2024
O Mundo da Saude |
Editora do Centro Universitario Sao Camilo |
1047-7809 |
C |
O P E C Energy Review: energy economics and related issues |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
1753-0229 |
C |
O Papel (Brazil) |
Associacao Brasileira Tecnica de Celulose e Papel |
3110-1057 |
C |
Oase |
NAi Uitgevers |
1696-6238 |
C |
Obere Extremitat |
Springer Verlag |
1862-6599 |
C |
Obesite |
Springer-Verlag France |
1951-5995 |
C |
Obesity |
Wiley-Blackwell |
1930-7381 |
A* |
Obesity and Metabolism |
Endocrinology Research Centre (Moscow) |
2071-8713 |
C |
Obesity Facts |
Karger AG |
1662-4025 |
A |
Obesity Medicine |
Elsevier Limited |
2451-8476 |
C |
Obesity Research and Clinical Practice |
Elsevier BV |
1871-403X |
B* |
Obesity Reviews |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1467-7881 |
A* |
Obesity Surgery |
Springer New York LLC |
9608-8923 |
A |
Universidad de Alicante |
1989-1385 |
B |
Obnovljeni Zivot |
Filozofsko teoloski institut Druzbe Isusove |
3513-3947 |
C |
Obogashchenie Rud |
Ore & Metals Publishing House |
2023-3776 |
B |
Obradoiro de Historia Moderna |
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela |
1133-0481 |
C |
Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques. Revue: observations et diagnostics economiques |
Observatoire FranÁais des Conjonctures Economiques |
1265-9576 |
C |
Observatorio |
OberCom - Observatorio da Comunicacao |
1646-5954 |
C |
Observatory |
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
2977-7704 |
C |
Obshchaya Reanimatologiya |
V. A. Negovsky Research Institute of General Reanimatology |
2411-7110 |
C |
Obstetric Medicine |
SAGE Publications Ltd |
1753-495X |
B |
Obstetrica si Ginecologie |
Romanian Medical Association |
1220-5532 |
C |
Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
2978-7828 |
B* |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum |
In House Publications |
1029-1962 |
C |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
2978-7844 |
A* |
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
8898-8545 |
B* |
Obstetrics and Gynecology International |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
1687-9597 |
B |
Obstetrics and Gynecology Science |
Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2287-8580 |
B |
Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine |
Elsevier BV |
1751-7214 |
C |
Occupational and Environmental Medicine |
BMJ Publishing Group |
1470-7926 |
A |
Occupational Ergonomics |
IOS Press |
1359-9364 |
C |
Occupational Health |
Royal College of Nursing |
2979-7917 |
C |
Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex.) |
1105 Media Inc. |
3624-4064 |
C |
Occupational Medicine |
Oxford University Press |
0962-7480 |
B |
Occupational Therapy in Health Care |
Haworth Press Inc. |
0738-0577 |
C |
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health |
Haworth Press Inc. |
0164-212X |
B |
Occupational Therapy International |
Hindawi Limited |
9667-7903 |
B |
Occupational Therapy Now |
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists |
1481-5532 |
C |
Ocean and Coastal Management |
Elsevier Ltd. |
9645-5691 |
A |
Ocean and Polar Research |
Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute |
2234-7313 |
C |
Ocean Development and International Law |
Taylor & Francis |
0090-8320 |
B |
Ocean Dynamics |
Springer Verlag |
1616-7228 |
B* |
Ocean Engineering |
Elsevier Ltd. |
2980-8018 |
A |
Ocean Modelling |
Elsevier BV |
1463-5003 |
A* |
Ocean Science |
Copernicus Gesellschaften |
1812-0784 |
A |
Ocean Science Discussions |
European Geosciences Union |
1812-0806 |
C |
Ocean Science Journal |
Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute and Korean Society of Oceanography |
1738-5261 |
B |
Ocean Systems Engineering |
Techno Press |
2093-6702 |
B |
Oceania |
Wiley-Blackwell |
2980-8077 |
C |
Oceanic Linguistics |
University of Hawaii Press |
2981-8115 |
C |
Oceanide |
Departamento de Filologia Espanola, Moderna y Clasica, Universitat de les Illes Balears |
1989-6328 |
C |
Oceanography |
Oceanography Society |
1042-8275 |
A |
Oceanologia |
Elsevier Sp. z o.o. |
7832-3234 |
B* |
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
1897-3191 |
B |
Oceanology |
Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing |
1437-4370 |
B |
Oceanus |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
2981-8182 |
C |
Ochrona Srodowiska |
Polish Sanitary Engineers' Association |
1230-6169 |
C |
Ochrona Srodowiska i Zasobow Naturalnych |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
1230-7831 |
C |
Ochsner Journal |
Allerton Press Inc. |
1524-5012 |
B |
OCL - Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids |
EDP Sciences |
2272-6977 |
B |
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha |
1885-446X |
C |
October |
MIT Press Journals |
1536-013X |
C |
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation |
Taylor & Francis |
9273-3948 |
B* |
Ocular Surface |
Elsevier Inc. |
1542-0124 |
A* |
Odgojne znanosti/Educational Sciences |
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb |
1846-1204 |
C |
Odonatologica |
Societas Internationalis Odonatologica |
3750-0183 |
B |
Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal |
Edition Communication (N G -Com) |
0251-172X |
C |
Odontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University |
Springer Verlag |
1618-1247 |
B* |
OECD Journal: Economic Studies |
1995-2848 |
B |
OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
1995-2899 |
B |
OECD Observer |
2970-7054 |
C |
Oecologia |
Springer Verlag |
0029-8549 |
A |
Oecologia Australis |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
2177-6199 |
B |
Oeil |
Artclair Editions |
0029-862X |
C |
Oesterreichische Ingenieur-Zeitschrift |
Springer Verlag |
2992-9219 |
C |
Oesterreichische Wasserwirtschaft |
Springer Verlag |
2995-9588 |
C |
Official Publication - EuroSDR |
Institut fur Angewandte Geodaesie |
2570-0505 |
C |
Offshore |
PennWell Publishing Co. |
3006-0608 |
C |
Offshore Engineering |
Emap Business Communications Asia Pte. Ltd. |
0305-876X |
C |
Offshore Research Focus |
Steel Construction Institute |
3094-4189 |
C |
Ofioliti |
Pitagora Editrice |
3912-2612 |
B |
Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal |
Naukaove Tovarystvo Oftal'mologiv Ukrainy |
3006-0675 |
C |
Oftalmologija. Vostochnaja Evropa |
Professionalnye Izdaniya |
2414-3642 |
C |
Oftalmologiya |
Ophthalmology Publishing Group |
1816-5095 |
C |
Ogneupory i Tekhnicheskaya Keramika |
Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga |
1028-0812 |
C |
Ohio Journal of Sciences |
Ohio Academy of Science |
3009-0950 |
C |
Ohio nurses review |
Ohio Nurses Association |
3009-0993 |
C |
Oesterreichischen Ingenieur-und Architekten-Vereines |
7219-9415 |
C |
Oido Pensante |
Centro Argentino de Informacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CAICYT-CONICET) |
2250-7116 |
C |
OIE Revue Scientifique et Technique |
Office International des Epizooties (OIE) |
2531-1933 |
B |
Oikos |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1600-0706 |
A* |
Oil and Gas Geology |
shi you yu tian ran qi di zhi bian ji bu |
2539-9985 |
B* |
Oil and Gas Journal |
PennWell Corp. |
3013-1388 |
C |
Oil and Gas Science and Technology |
Editions Technip |
1294-4475 |
B |
Oil Gas European Magazine |
Urban-Verlag |
3425-5622 |
C |
Oil Shale |
Estonian Academy Publishers |
0208-189X |
B |
Oilfield Chemistry |
Gaofenzi Yanjiusuo |
1000-4092 |
C |
Oilfield Review |
Oilfield Reviews Services |
9231-1730 |
C |
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica |
Okajimas Folia Anatomica Yaponika Henshubu |
0030-154X |
C |
Olba |
Mersin University |
1301-7667 |
C |
Old Testament Essays |
Old Testament Society of South Africa |
2312-3621 |
C |
Oleodinamica Pneumatica |
Techniche Nuove SpA |
1122-5017 |
C |
Olhydraulik und Penumatik |
Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH |
3412-2660 |
C |
Oman Journal of Ophthalmology |
Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd |
0974-7842 |
B |
Oman Medical Journal |
Oman Medical Specialty Board |
2070-5204 |
B |
Omega |
Elsevier Ltd. |
3050-0483 |
A* |
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
1541-3764 |
B |
OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology |
Mary Ann Liebert Inc. |
1536-2310 |
B* |
On the Horizon |
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. |
1074-8121 |
C |
Oncogematologiya |
ABV-press Publishing house |
2413-4023 |
C |
Oncogene |
Nature Publishing Group |
9509-9232 |
A* |
Oncogenesis |
Nature Publishing Group |
2157-9024 |
A* |
OncoImmunology |
Landes Bioscience |
2162-402X |
A* |
Oncologie |
Springer Verlag |
1292-3818 |
C |
Oncologist |
AlphaMed Press Inc |
1549-490X |
A* |
Oncology |
S. Karger AG |
0030-2414 |
B* |
Oncology |
UBM Medica Healthcare Publications |
8909-9091 |
B |
Oncology Exchange |
Parkhurst Publishing Ltd |
1925-7155 |
C |
Oncology Letters |
Spandidos Publications |
1792-1082 |
B |
Oncology Nursing Forum |
Oncology Nursing Society |
0190-535X |
B |
Oncology Report |
Elsevier BV |
1548-5323 |
C |
Oncology Reports |
Demetrios A. Spandidos Ed. & Pub. |
1021-335X |
B* |
Oncology Research |
Cognizant Communication Corporation |
9650-0407 |
A |
Oncology Research and Treatment |
S. Karger AG |
2296-5270 |
B |
Oncology Reviews |
PagePress |
1970-5557 |
A |
OnCOReview |
Medical Education Ltd. |
2082-8691 |
C |
Oncoscience |
Impact Journals |
2331-4737 |
A |
Oncotarget |
Impact Journals |
1949-2553 |
A |
OncoTargets and Therapy |
Dove Medical Press Ltd |
1178-6930 |
A |
Onde Electrique |
E. Chiron Publishers |
3024-2430 |
C |
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research |
OpenJournals Publishing AOSIS (Pty) Ltd |
3024-2465 |
B |
ONdrugDelivery |
Frederick Furness Publishing |
2049-145X |
C |
One Health |
Elsevier BV |
2352-7714 |
A |
Onkologe |
Springer Verlag |
1433-0415 |
C |
Onkologia i Radioterapia |
Medical Project Poland Sp. z o.o. |
2449-9161 |
C |
Onkologie |
SOLEN s.r.o. |
1802-4475 |
C |
Onkourologiya |
ABV-press Publishing house, LLC |
1996-1812 |
C |
Online (Wilton, Connecticut) |
Information Today, Inc. |
1465-5422 |
C |
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing |
Fluminense Federal University |
1676-4285 |
C |
Online Information Review |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
1468-4527 |
B |
Online Journal Modelling the New Europe |
Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University |
2247-0514 |
C |
Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics |
Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland |
1931-3365 |
C |
OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences |
Science Publications |
1608-4217 |
C |
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences |
Light House Polyclinic |
9725-5997 |
C |
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing |
American Nurses Association |
1091-3734 |
B |
Online Journal of Nursing Informatics |
On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics |
1089-9758 |
C |
Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care |
Rural Nurse Organization |
1539-3399 |
C |
Online Learning Journal |
The Online Learning Consortium |
2472-5730 |
B |
Onomazein |
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile |
0717-1285 |
C |
ONS connect |
Oncology Nursing Society |
1935-1623 |
C |
Ons Geestelijk Erf |
Peeters Press |
1783-1652 |
C |
Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series |
Health Quality Ontario |
1915-7398 |
B* |
Ontogenez |
Izdatel'stvo Nauka |
4751-1450 |
C |
Opcion |
Universidad del Zulia |
1012-1587 |
C |
Open Access Bioinformatics |
Dove Medical Press Ltd. |
1179-2701 |
C |
Open Access Emergency Medicine |
Dove Medical Press Ltd |
1179-1500 |
B |
Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials |
Dove Medical Press Ltd |
1179-1519 |
C |
Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants |
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India |
9747-7877 |
C |
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences |
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences |
1857-9655 |
C |
Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews |
Dove Medical Press Ltd. |
1179-156X |
B* |
Open Access Surgery |
Dove Medical Press Ltd. |
1178-7082 |
C |
Open Agriculture |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
2391-9531 |
C |
Open Agriculture Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-3315 |
C |
Open AIDS Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-6136 |
A |
Open Allergy Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-8384 |
C |
Open Anesthesiology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-3218 |
C |
Open Archaeology |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
2300-6560 |
B |
Open Astronomy |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
2543-6376 |
C |
Open Atmospheric Science Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-2823 |
C |
Open Automation and Control Systems Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-4443 |
C |
Open Biochemistry Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-091X |
B |
Open Bioinformatics Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1875-0362 |
B* |
Open Biology |
The Royal Society |
2046-2441 |
A* |
Open Biology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-1967 |
C |
Open Biomarkers Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1875-3183 |
C |
Open Biomedical Engineering Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-1207 |
C |
Open Biotechnology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-0707 |
C |
Open Bone Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1876-5254 |
C |
Open Cancer Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-0790 |
B |
Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-1924 |
B |
Open Chemical Engineering Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-1231 |
C |
Open Chemistry |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5420 |
B |
Open Civil Engineering Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-1495 |
C |
Open Communication Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-916X |
C |
Open Construction and Building Technology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-8368 |
C |
Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-110X |
C |
Open Dentistry Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-2106 |
B |
Open Dermatology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-3722 |
C |
Open Diabetes Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1876-5246 |
C |
Open Ecology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-2130 |
C |
Open Economies Review |
Springer International Publishing |
0923-7992 |
B |
Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-1290 |
C |
Open Engineering |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5439 |
C |
Open Family Studies Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-9224 |
C |
Open Forum Infectious Diseases |
Oxford University Press |
2328-8957 |
A |
Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1876-973X |
C |
Open Geography Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-9232 |
B |
Open Geosciences |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5447 |
B |
Open Heart |
BMJ Publishing Group |
2053-3624 |
A |
Open House International |
Stichting Architecten Research |
1682-2601 |
C |
Open Hypertension Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1876-5262 |
C |
Open Infectious Diseases Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-2793 |
C |
Open Insight |
Centro de Investigacion Social Avanzada |
2395-8936 |
C |
Open Journal of Hematology |
Ross Science Publishers |
2075-907X |
C |
Open Learning |
Taylor & Francis |
2680-0513 |
B |
Open Library of Humanities |
Open Library of Humanities |
2056-6700 |
C |
Open Life Sciences |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5412 |
B |
Open Linguistics |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2300-9969 |
B |
Open Materials Science Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-088X |
C |
Open Mathematics |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5455 |
B |
Open Mechanical Engineering Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-155X |
C |
Open Medical Imaging Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-3471 |
B |
Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-1045 |
C |
Open Medicine |
Open Medicine |
1911-2092 |
C |
Open Medicine (Poland) |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5463 |
B |
Open Microbiology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-2858 |
B |
Open Neuroimaging Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-4400 |
B |
Open Neurology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-205X |
B |
Open Neurosurgery Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1876-5297 |
C |
Open Nursing Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-4346 |
C |
Open Nutraceuticals Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1876-3960 |
B |
Open Obesity Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1876-8237 |
C |
Open Ophthalmology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-3641 |
B |
Open Ornithology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-4532 |
B |
Open Pain Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1876-3863 |
C |
Open Petroleum Engineering Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-8341 |
C |
Open Physics |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2391-5471 |
C |
Open Political Science Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-9496 |
C |
Open Prostate Cancer Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1876-8229 |
B |
Open Psychology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-3501 |
C |
Open Public Health Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-9445 |
C |
Open Respiratory Medicine Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-3064 |
B |
Open Rheumatology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-3129 |
B |
Open Sports Sciences Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1875-399X |
C |
Open Stem Cell Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1876-8938 |
C |
Open Systems and Information Dynamics |
World Scientific Publishing Co |
1573-1324 |
B |
Open Theology |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
2300-6579 |
B |
Open Transplantation Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-4184 |
C |
Open Transportation Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers |
1874-4478 |
B |
Open Urology and Nephrology Journal |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
1874-303X |
C |
Open Veterinary Journal |
Faculty of Veterinary Journal, University of Tripoli |
2218-6050 |
C |
OpenNano |
Elsevier Inc. |
2352-9520 |
B |
Opera |
Seymour Press |
3035-3526 |
C |
Opera Quarterly |
Oxford University Press |
1476-2870 |
C |
Operational Research |
Springer Verlag |
1109-2858 |
B |
Operational Research: an international journal |
Springer International Publishing |
1109-2858 |
C |
Operations and Supply Chain Management |
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology |
1979-3561 |
C |
Operations Management Research |
Springer International Publishing |
1936-9735 |
C |
Operations Research |
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) |
0030-364X A* |
Operations Research for Health Care |
Elsevier Science & Technology |
2211-6923 |
A |
Operations Research Letters |
Elsevier BV |
1676-6377 |
B* |
Operations Research Perspectives |
Elsevier BV |
2214-7160 |
A |
Operations Research Proceedings |
0721-5924 |
C |
Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series |
Springer Science + Business Media |
1387-666X |
B |
Operative Dentistry |
IU School of Dentistry |
3617-7734 |
A |
Operative Neurosurgery |
Oxford University Press |
2332-4252 |
B* |
Operative Orthopadie und Traumatologie |
Urban und Vogel Medien und Medizin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH |
9346-6694 |
B |
Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1048-6666 |
C |
Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1043-1810 |
C |
Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1060-1872 |
C |
Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1522-2942 |
C |
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications |
Springer International Publishing AG |
2296-4878 |
B |
Operators and Matrices |
Element d.o.o. |
1846-3886 |
B |
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0275-5408 |
A |
Ophthalmic Epidemiology |
Taylor & Francis |
9286-6586 |
A |
Ophthalmic Genetics |
Taylor & Francis |
1381-6810 |
B |
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
1537-2677 |
B |
Ophthalmic Research |
S. Karger AG |
1423-0259 |
B* |
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina |
Slack Incorporated |
2325-8160 |
A |
Ophthalmologica |
S. Karger AG |
0030-3755 |
B* |
Ophthalmology |
Elsevier BV |
1549-4713 |
A* |
Ophthalmology and Therapy |
Springer London |
2193-6528 |
B* |
Ophthalmology in China |
Bejing Shi yan ke yan jiu suo |
1004-4469 |
C |
Opiniao Publica |
Centro de Estudos de Opiniao Publica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
1046-6276 |
B |
Springer Verlag |
0030-3887 |
B |
Opsearch: journal of the operational research society of India |
Springer International Publishing |
0030-3887 |
C |
Optica |
OSA Publishing |
2334-2536 |
A* |
Optica Applicata |
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej |
7854-5466 |
B |
Optica Pura y Aplicada |
A. Hidalgo |
3039-3917 |
C |
Optical and Quantum Electronics |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
0306-8919 |
B |
Optical Engineering |
S P I E - International Society for Optical Engineering |
9132-3286 |
B |
Optical Fiber Technology |
Elsevier Inc. |
1095-9912 |
B |
Optical Materials |
Elsevier BV |
9253-3467 |
B |
Optical Materials Express |
Optical Society of America |
2159-3930 |
B* |
Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) |
Allerton Press Inc. |
1060-992X |
B |
Optical Review |
Springer Verlag |
1340-6000 |
B |
Optical Switching and Networking |
Elsevier BV |
1573-4277 |
B |
Optics and Laser Technology |
Elsevier BV |
3039-3992 |
B* |
Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
Elsevier BV |
1438-8166 |
A |
Optics and Photonics News |
Optical Society of America |
1541-3721 |
B* |
Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) |
Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM |
0030-400X |
B |
Optics Communications |
Elsevier BV |
3040-4018 |
B* |
Optics Express |
Optical Society of America |
1094-4087 |
A |
Optics Letters |
Optical Society of America |
0146-9592 |
A |
Optik |
Elsevier BV |
3040-4026 |
B |
Optimal Control Applications and Methods |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
0143-2087 |
B |
Optimization |
Taylor & Francis |
1029-4945 |
A |
Optimization and Engineering |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1389-4420 |
B |
Optimization Letters |
Springer Verlag |
1862-4472 |
B* |
Optimization Methods and Software |
Taylor & Francis |
1029-4937 |
B* |
Option/Bio |
Elsevier BV |
9925-5945 |
C |
Opto-electronics Review |
Elsevier BV |
1230-3402 |
B |
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications |
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Optoelectronica |
1842-6573 |
C |
Optoelectronics Letters |
Springer Verlag |
1673-1905 |
C |
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing (English translation of Avtometriya) |
Allerton Press Inc. |
8756-6990 |
C |
Optometry and Vision Science |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
1538-9235 |
B* |
Opus |
National Association of Music Research and Postgraduates |
1517-7017 |
C |
Opuscula |
Swedish Institutes at Athens |
2000-0898 |
C |
Opuscula Historiae Artium |
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University |
1211-7390 |
C |
Opuscula Mathematica |
Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza im. S. Staszica w Krakowie. |
1232-9274 |
B* |
Opuscula Philolichenum |
The New York Botanical Garden |
1941-7527 |
B |
OR manager |
OR Manager, Inc. |
8756-8047 |
C |
OR Spectrum |
Springer International Publishing |
0171-6468 |
B |
ORAL and Implantology |
CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l. |
2035-2468 |
B |
Oral and maxillofacial surgery |
Springer Verlag |
1865-1550 |
B |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases |
Elsevier BV |
2214-5419 |
C |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1042-3699 |
B |
Oral Diseases |
Wiley-Blackwell |
1601-0825 |
B* |
Oral health & preventive dentistry |
Quintessence Publishing Company |
1602-1622 |
B |
Oral History Review |
Oxford University Press |
9407-0798 |
C |
Oral Oncology |
Elsevier Ltd. |
1368-8375 |
A |
Oral Radiology |
Springer Japan |
9116-6028 |
B |
Oral Science International |
The Japanese Stomatological Society |
1348-8643 |
C |
Oral Surgery |
Blackwell Publishing |
1752-2471 |
C |
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology |
Elsevier USA |
2212-4403 |
B* |
Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology |
Shika Yakubutsu Ryoho Kenkyukai |
2881-1012 |
C |
Oralia |
Arco Libros |
1575-1430 |
C |
Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnheilkunde |
Deutscher Arzte-Verlag GmbH |
1614-2217 |
C |
Orbis |
Elsevier BV |
0030-4387 |
B |
Orbis Litterarum |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1600-0730 |
C |
Orbis Scholae |
Charles University |
1802-4637 |
C |
Orbit |
Taylor & Francis |
0167-6830 |
C |
Orbit (Cambridge) |
Open Library of Humanities |
2398-6786 |
C |
Orbital |
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Departamento de Quimica |
1984-6428 |
C |
Order |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1572-9273 |
B |
Ore Geology Reviews |
Elsevier BV |
1691-1368 |
A* |
Oregon Historical Quarterly |
Oregon Historical Society |
3047-4727 |
C |
Organic Agriculture |
Springer Science + Business Media |
1879-4238 |
B |
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
1477-0520 |
A |
Organic Chemistry Frontiers |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
2052-4110 |
A |
Organic Communications |
Academy of Chemistry of Globe Publications |
1307-6175 |
C |
Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications |
Elsevier BV |
1566-1199 |
B* |
Organic Geochemistry |
Elsevier Ltd. |
1466-6380 |
A |
Organic Letters |
American Chemical Society |
1523-7052 |
A* |
Organic Preparations and Procedures International |
Taylor & Francis |
3049-4948 |
B |
Organic Process Research & Development |
American Chemical Society |
1520-586X |
A |
Organic Syntheses |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
7862-6209 |
B |
Organisation Management Journal |
Taylor & Francis |
1541-6518 |
C |
Organisational and Social Dynamics |
Karnac Books |
1474-2780 |
C |
Organised Sound |
Cambridge University Press |
1355-7718 |
C |
Organisms Diversity and Evolution |
Springer Verlag |
1439-6092 |
A |
Organizacija |
Fakulteta za Organizacijske Vede, Univerza v Mariboru |
1318-5454 |
C |
Organization |
SAGE Publications |
1350-5084 |
A |
Organization and Environment |
SAGE Publications |
1086-0266 |
A* |
Organization Development Journal |
The Organization Development Institute |
0889-6402 |
C |
Organization Studies |
SAGE Publications |
1708-8406 |
A* |
Organization: the critical journal of organization, theory and society |
Sage Publications |
1350-5084 |
A |
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes |
Elsevier Inc. |
0749-5978 |
A* |
Organizational Cultures |
Common Ground Research Networks |
2327-8013 |
C |
Organizational Dynamics |
Elsevier Ltd. |
9026-2616 |
B* |
Organizational Psychology Review |
Sage Publications |
2041-3866 |
B* |
Organizational Research Methods |
SAGE Publications |
1094-4281 |
A* |
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies |
Vilnius University |
2345-0037 |
C |
Organogenesis |
Landes Bioscience |
1547-6278 |
A |
Organometallic Chemistry |
London Chemical Society |
3010-0074 |
B* |
Organometallics |
American Chemical Society |
1520-6041 |
A |
Organon |
Polska Akademia Nauk |
7865-6500 |
C |
Organon F |
Slovak Academy of Sciences |
1335-0668 |
C |
Organophosphorus Chemistry |
Chemical Society |
3060-0713 |
C |
Oriens |
Brill |
1877-8372 |
C |
Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients |
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and Co., KG |
3052-5227 |
C |
Oriental Insects |
Taylor & Francis |
3053-5316 |
C |
Oriental Journal of Chemistry |
Scientific Publishers |
0970-020X |
C |
Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine |
Springer Science + Business Media |
2211-1069 |
C |
Orientalia Christiana Periodica |
Edizioni Orientalia Cristiana |
3053-5375 |
C |
Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle |
Delachaux et Niestle |
2496-6739 |
C |
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
0169-6149 |
B |
S. Karger AG |
1423-0275 |
B |
ORL-head and neck nursing : official journal of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses |
Health Information Publications, Inc. |
1064-3842 |
C |
ORNAC journal |
Clockwork Communications Inc. |
1927-6141 |
C |
Ornamental Horticulture |
Brazilian Society of Floriculture and Ornamental Plants |
2447-536X |
C |
Ornis Fennica |
Finnish Ornithological Society |
3056-5685 |
B |
Ornis Hungarica |
BirdLife International |
1215-1610 |
B |
Ornis Norvegica |
Norwegian Ornithological Society |
1502-0878 |
C |
Ornis Svecica |
Sveriges Omitologiska Foerening/Swedish Ornithological Society |
1102-6812 |
C |
Ornithological Science |
Ornithological Society of Japan |
1347-0558 |
B |
Ornithologische Beobachter |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fuer Vogalkunde und Vogalschutz |
3057-5707 |
C |
Ornitologia Colombiana |
Asociacion Colombiana de Ornitologia |
1794-0915 |
C |
Ornitologia Neotropical |
Neotropical Ornithological Society |
1075-4377 |
C |
Orphan Drugs: Research and Reviews |
Dove Medical Press Ltd. |
2230-6161 |
B |
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases |
BioMed Central |
1750-1172 |
A |
Ortho Magazine |
Masson Editeur |
1262-4586 |
C |
Orthodontic Waves |
Elsevier BV |
1344-0241 |
C |
Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1601-6335 |
B* |
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
2325-9671 |
A |
Orthopaedic Nursing |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
7446-6020 |
C |
Orthopaedic surgery |
Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd |
1757-7853 |
B |
Orthopaedics and Trauma |
Medicine Publishing Company Ltd. |
1877-1327 |
C |
Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Surgery and Research |
Elsevier Masson |
1877-0568 |
B* |
Orthopedic Clinics of North America |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
3058-5898 |
A |
Orthopedic Research and Reviews |
Dove Medical Press Ltd. |
1179-1462 |
C |
Orthopedic Reviews |
PagePress Publications |
2035-8164 |
B* |
Orthopedics |
Slack Incorporated |
1477-7447 |
B* |
Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja |
Agencja Wydawnicza Medsportpress |
1509-3492 |
B |
Orvosi Hetilap |
Akademiai Kiado |
3060-6002 |
C |
Orvostorteneti kozlemenyek |
Semmelweis Orvostorteneti Muzeum Konyvtar es Leveltar |
1035-3551 |
C |
Oryx |
Cambridge University Press |
0030-6053 |
A |
Osaka City Medical Journal |
Osaka-Shiritsu Daigaku |
3060-6096 |
C |
Osaka Journal of Mathematics |
Osaka Daigaku Shigakkai |
3061-6126 |
B |
Osiris |
University of Chicago Press |
3697-7827 |
C |
Osmanli Arastirmalari - Journal of Ottoman Studies |
ISAM, Turkish Religious Foundation Centre for Islamic Studies |
2550-0636 |
C |
Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives |
Elsevier Korea |
2210-9110 |
B |
Osservatorio del Diritto Civile e Commerciale |
Societa Editrice Il Mulino |
2281-2628 |
C |
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1063-4584 |
A* |
Osteologicky Bulletin |
Trios s.r.o. |
2570-9461 |
C |
Osteologie |
Schattauer GmbH |
1019-1291 |
C |
Osteopathic Family Physician |
Elsevier Science Inc. |
1877-573X |
C |
Osteopathische Medizin |
Elsevier BV |
1615-9071 |
C |
Osteoporosis International |
Springer Verlag |
0937-941X |
A |
Osterreichische Musikzeitschrift |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2993-9316 |
C |
Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft |
Springer Verlag |
0945-358X |
C |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaften |
StudienVerlag |
1016-765X |
C |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft |
Docker Verlag |
3785-5149 |
C |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie |
Springer International Publishing AG |
1011-0070 |
C |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde |
Verein fuer Volkskunde |
2996-9669 |
C |
Osterreichisches Archiv fur Recht und Religion |
Plochl verlag |
1560-8670 |
C |
Osteuropa |
Verlag C.H. Beck oHG |
2509-3444 |
C |
Ostkirchliche Studien |
Echter Verlag GmbH |
3064-6487 |
C |
Ostomy Wound Management |
H M P Communications |
8895-5899 |
B |
Ostrich |
Taylor & Francis |
3065-6525 |
B |
OT Practice |
American Occupational Therapy Association |
1084-4902 |
C |
OTJR Occupation, Participation and Health |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
1539-4492 |
B |
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo |
Jibiinkokagaku Kyoshitsu |
3869-9687 |
C |
Otolaryngologia Polska |
Index Copernicus International |
2300-8423 |
B |
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
3066-6665 |
B* |
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
1945-5998 |
A |
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo) |
Igaku-Shoin Ltd. |
9143-3491 |
C |
Otology and Neurotology |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
1531-7129 |
A |
Otorhinolaryngologist |
Rila Publications, Ltd. |
1752-9360 |
C |
Otorhinolaryngology Clinics |
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd |
0975-444X |
C |
Otorinolaringologia |
Asociatia Medicala Romana |
3926-6621 |
C |
Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie |
Nakladatelske Stredisko CLSJE Purkyne |
1805-4528 |
C |
Ottoman Empire and its Heritage |
Entomological Society of Canada |
1380-6076 |
C |
Oud Holland |
Brill |
0030-672X |
C |
Oudtestamentische Studien, Old Testament Studies |
Entomological Society of Canada |
1697-7226 |
C |
Outlook on Agriculture |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
3072-7270 |
B |
Outlooks on Pest Management |
Research Information Ltd. |
1465-8933 |
B |
Outre-Mers |
Societe Francaise d'histoire d'outre-mer |
1631-0438 |
C |
Overland |
S. Murray-Smith |
3074-7416 |
C |
Oxford Art Journal |
Oxford University Press |
1426-6540 |
C |
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0305-9049 |
A |
Oxford Development Studies |
Taylor & Francis Online |
1360-0818 |
B |
Oxford Economic Papers |
Oxford University Press |
0030-7653 |
A |
Oxford German Studies |
Maney Publishing |
0078-7191 |
C |
Oxford Journal of Archaeology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0262-5253 |
B |
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion |
Oxford University Press |
2047-0770 |
C |
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies |
Oxford University Press |
1436-6503 |
B* |
Oxford Literary Review |
Edinburgh University Press |
3051-1498 |
C |
Oxford Review of Economic Policy |
Oxford University Press |
1460-2121 |
B* |
Oxford Review of Education |
Carfax Publishing Ltd. |
1465-3915 |
A |
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy |
Oxford University Press |
2657-7651 |
C |
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal |
Hart Publishing |
1472-9342 |
A* |
Oxidation Communications |
Scientific Bulgarian Communication |
2094-4541 |
C |
Oxidation of Metals |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |
0030-770X |
A |
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
1942-0994 |
A |
Oxonomics: Oxford university economic studies |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
1752-5195 |
B |
Oxymag |
Elsevier Masson SAS |
9901-1310 |
C |
Ozone: Science and Engineering |
Taylor & Francis |
0191-9512 |
B |
P and T |
MediMedia USA, Inc. |
1052-1372 |
A |
P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications |
Springer Science + Business Media |
2070-0474 |
B |
PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0147-8389 |
B* |
PACE - Process and Control Engineering |
Reed Business Information Ltd |
1329-6221 |
C |
Pachyderm |
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources |
1026-2881 |
C |
Pacific Accounting Review |
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. |
2041-5494 |
B |
Pacific Affairs |
University of British Columbia |
0030-851X |
B |
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific |
University of British Columbia |
0030-851X |
B |
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems |
Association for Information Systems (AIS) |
1943-7536 |
B |
Pacific Basin Finance Journal |
Elsevier BV |
0927-538X |
B* |
Pacific Coast Philology |
Penn State University Press |
2326-067X |
C |
Pacific Conservation Biology |
Surey Beatty & Sons |
1038-2097 |
B |
Pacific Economic Review |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
1361-374X |
B |
Pacific Focus |
Wiley-Blackwell |
1225-4657 |
B |
Pacific Historical Review |
University of California Press |
3086-8684 |
C |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics |
University of California at Berkeley |
3087-8730 |
A |
Pacific Journalism Review |
Pacific Media Centre, Auckland University of Technology |
2324-2035 |
C |
Pacific Northwest Quarterly |
University of Washington in cooperation with Washington State Historical Society |
3088-8803 |
C |
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly |
Wiley-Blackwell |
0279-0750 |
A |
Pacific Review |
Taylor & Francis |
0951-2748 |
A |
Pacific Rim Property Research Journal |
Taylor & Francis Online |
1444-5921 |
C |
Pacific Science |
University of Hawaii Press |
1534-6188 |
B |
Package Printing |
1639-9234 |
C |
Packaging Digest |
Reed Business |
3091-9117 |
C |
Packaging News |
Yaffa Publishing |
4826-2676 |
C |
Packaging Technology and Science |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
0894-3214 |
B |
Paddy and Water Environment |
Springer Verlag |
1611-2490 |
B |
Padiatrische Praxis |
Hans Marseille Vertrieb Medizinische Zeitschriften |
3093-9346 |
C |
Paedagogica Historica |
Taylor & Francis |
3092-9230 |
B |
Paediatria Croatica |
Klinika za Djecje Bolesti Zagerb/Children's Hospital in Zagreb |
1330-1403 |
C |
Paediatria Croatica, Supplement |
Klinika za Djecje Bolesti Zagerb/Children's Hospital in Zagreb |
1330-724X |
C |
Paediatric Anaesthesia |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1155-5645 |
B* |
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0269-5022 |
A |
Paediatric Drugs |
Adis International Ltd. |
1174-5878 |
B* |
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1526-0550 |
B* |
Paediatrics and Child Health |
Oxford University Press |
1205-7088 |
B |
Paediatrics and Child Health (United Kingdom) |
Medicine Publishing |
1751-7222 |
C |
Paediatrics and international child health |
Maney Publishing |
2046-9055 |
B |
Paginas |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Escuela de Historia |
1851-992X |
C |
Paideia |
Universidade of Sao Paulo, Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences |
0103-863X |
B |
Paideuma |
University of Maine |
9056-5674 |
C |
Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering |
Editorial Department of Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering |
1674-8530 |
B |
Pain |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
3043-3959 |
A* |
Pain and Therapy |
Springer Healthcare |
2193-651X |
B |
Pain Management |
Future Medicine Ltd. |
1758-1877 |
B* |
Pain Management Nursing |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1524-9042 |
B* |
Pain Medicine |
Oxford University Press |
1526-2375 |
A |
Pain Physician |
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians |
2150-1149 |
A |
Pain Practice |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1533-2500 |
B* |
Pain Research and Management |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
1203-6765 |
B |
Pain Research and Treatment |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
2090-1542 |
B |
Paint and Coatings Industry |
Business News Pub. Co. |
8843-3848 |
C |
Paint and Resin Times |
Complete Circulation and Marketing |
1476-0274 |
C |
PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art |
MIT Press |
1537-9477 |
C |
Pakistan Development Review |
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics |
3097-9729 |
C |
Pakistan Economic and Social Review |
Lahore University, Department of Economics |
1011-002X |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences |
Pakistan Association of Advancement in Agricultural Sciences |
2076-0906 |
B |
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences |
Asian Network for Scientific Information |
1812-5735 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology |
University of Sindh |
1812-1837 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Botany |
Pakistan Botanical Society |
2070-3368 |
B |
Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science |
Johar Education Society Pakistan |
1997-8553 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences |
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore |
1995-1302 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries |
Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab |
2409-7462 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences |
Elite Scientific Forum |
2221-7630 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences |
Department Of Surgery, Mayo Hospital |
1996-7195 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences |
Professional Medical Publications |
1682-024X |
B |
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition |
Asian Network for Scientific Information |
1680-5194 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
University of Karachi |
1011-601X |
B |
Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology |
Pakistan Phytopathological Society |
2305-0284 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research |
National Institute of Psychology |
1016-0604 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences |
PCSIR-Scientific Information Centre |
2221-6413 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences |
PCSIR-Scientific Information Centre |
2223-2567 |
C |
Pakistan Journal of Statistics |
Pakistan Journal of Statistics |
1012-9367 |
B |
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research |
College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, University of Punjab |
2220-5810 |
B |
Pakistan Journal of Zoology |
Zoological Society of Pakistan |
3099-9923 |
B |
Pakistan Paediatric Journal |
Pakistan Paediatric Association |
3044-4904 |
C |
Pakistan Textile Journal |
National Technical Press |
4827-2757 |
C |
Pakistan Veterinary Journal |
Faculty Of Veterinary Science, University Of Agriculture |
2538-8318 |
B |
Palabra Clave |
Universidad de La Sabana |
0122-8285 |
B |
Paladyn |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
2081-4836 |
B |
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments |
Springer Verlag |
1867-1608 |
B |
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology |
Elsevier BV |
3101-0182 |
A |
Palaeontographica Abteilung B: Palaeophytologie |
Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung |
3750-0299 |
B* |
Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Palaozoologie - Stratigraphie |
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung |
3750-0442 |
B |
Palaeontologia Africana |
University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg |
2410-4418 |
C |
Palaeontologia Electronica |
Texas A & M University |
1094-8074 |
B* |
Palaeontologia Polonica |
Polska Akademia Nauk |
7885-8562 |
B* |
Palaeontology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1475-4983 |
A |
Palaeoworld |
Elsevier BV |
1871-174X |
B |
Palaios |
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists |
8831-1351 |
B* |
Palaontologische Zeitschrift |
Springer Verlag |
3102-0220 |
B |
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology |
PalArch Foundation |
1567-214X |
C |
PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology |
PalArch Foundation |
1567-2158 |
C |
PaleoAmerica |
Taylor and Francis Ltd. |
2055-5563 |
A |
Paleobiology |
Cambridge University Press |
9483-8373 |
A |
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology |
John Wiley and Sons Inc. |
2572-4525 |
A* |
Paleontological Journal |
Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing |
3103-0301 |
B |
Paleontological Research |
The Paleontological Society of Japan |
1342-8144 |
B |
Palestine Exploration Quarterly |
Maney Publishing |
1743-1301 |
C |
Palimpsestes |
La Lettre Volee |
2109-943X |
C |
Pallas |
Service des publications de l'Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail |
3103-0387 |
C |
Palliative and Supportive Care |
Cambridge University Press |
1478-9523 |
B* |
Palliative Care |
Libertas Academica Ltd. |
1178-2242 |
B |
Palliative Medicine |
SAGE Publications |
1477-030X |
A* |
Palpu Chongi Gisul/Journal of Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry |
Hanguk Palpu Chongi Kisul Hyophoe |
2533-3200 |
C |
Palynology |
Taylor & Francis |
1916-6122 |
B |
Pamatky Archeologicke |
Institute of Archealogy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
0031-0506 |
C |
Pamietnik Literacki |
Polska Akademia Nauk |
3105-0514 |
C |
Pan African Medical Journal |
Pan African Medical Journal |
1937-8688 |
C |
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences |
Panamjas |
1809-9009 |
C |
Pan-Pacific Entomologist |
Pacific Coast Entomological Society |
3106-0603 |
C |
Panacea |
Tremedica |
1537-1964 |
C |
Panamerican Mathematical Journal |
University of Central Florida |
1064-9735 |
C |
Pancreas |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
8853-3177 |
A |
Pancreatology |
Elsevier BV |
1424-3911 |
A |
Panminerva Medica |
Edizioni Minerva Medica |
3108-0808 |
B |
Panoeconomicus |
Savez Ekonomista Vojvodine |
1452-595X |
B |
Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia |
Sao Paulo Universidade De Sao Paulo |
0031-1049 |
B |
Papeles de Poblacion |
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados de la Poblacion |
1405-7425 |
C |
Papeles del Psicologo |
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicologos |
2147-7823 |
B |
Paper Asia |
Benn Publications |
2184-4540 |
C |
Paper360 |
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry |
1933-3684 |
C |
Papers and Proceedings - Royal Society of Tasmania |
Royal Society of Tasmania |
8047-4703 |
C |
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics |
Japan Meteorological Agency |
0031-126X |
B |
Papers in Palaeontology |
John Wiley and Sons Ltd |
2056-2802 |
B* |
Papers in Physics |
Instituto de Fisica de Liquidos y Sistemas Biologicos |
1852-4249 |
C |
Papers in Regional Science |
Wiley-Blackwell |
1435-5957 |
A |
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America |
University of Chicago Press |
0006-128X |
C |
Papers of the British School at Rome |
Cambridge University Press |
6824-2462 |
C |
Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature |
Gunter Narr Verlag |
3430-0758 |
C |
Papers on Global Change IGBP |
De Gruyter Open |
1730-802X |
C |
Papers on Language and Literature |
Southern Illinois University Press |
3112-1294 |
C |
Papers on Social Representations |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
1819-3978 |
C |
Papers: Revista de sociologia |
Universitat de Barcelona |
2102-2862 |
C |
Papillomavirus Research |
Elsevier BV |
2405-8521 |
A |
Parabola |
Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition |
3621-1596 |
C |
Paragraph |
Edinburgh University Press Ltd. |
0264-8334 |
C |
Parallax |
Taylor & Francis |
1353-4645 |
C |
Parallel Computing |
Elsevier BV |
1678-8191 |
B |
Parallel Processing Letters |
World Scientific Publishing Co |
1296-6264 |
C |
Parasite |
EDP Sciences |
1252-607X |
A |
Parasite Epidemiology and Control |
Elsevier Limited |
2405-6731 |
B* |
Parasite Immunology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0141-9838 |
A |
Parasites and Vectors |
BioMed Central |
1756-3305 |
A |
Parasitology |
Cambridge University Press |
1469-8161 |
A |
Parasitology International |
Elsevier BV |
1383-5769 |
B* |
Parasitology Research |
Springer Verlag |
1432-1955 |
B* |
Parazitologyia |
Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM |
3118-1847 |
C |
Paremia |
Asociacion Cultural Independiente |
2172-1068 |
C |
Parenting |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. |
1529-5192 |
B* |
Parergon |
Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
3136-6221 |
C |
Paris Review |
Paris Review, Inc. |
3120-2037 |
C |
Park Science |
US Department of the Interior |
1090-9966 |
C |
Parkinson's Disease |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
2042-0080 |
B* |
Parkinsonism and Related Disorders |
Elsevier BV |
1353-8020 |
A |
Parks |
IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature |
2411-2119 |
B* |
Parliamentary Affairs |
Oxford University Press |
1460-2482 |
A |
Parliamentary Affairs: a journal of representative politics |
Oxford University Press |
0031-2290 |
B |
Parliamentary History |
Wiley-Blackwell |
2642-2824 |
C |
Parliaments, Estates and Representation |
Taylor & Francis |
2606-6755 |
C |
Parnassus |
S. Lewis |
4830-3028 |
C |
Parole de l'Orient |
University Saint-Esprit |
2588-8331 |
C |
Partecipazione e Conflitto |
University of Salento |
2035-6609 |
B |
Partial Answers |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
1565-3668 |
C |
Particle and Fibre Toxicology |
BioMed Central |
1743-8977 |
A |
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
1521-4117 |
A |
Particulate Science and Technology |
Taylor & Francis |
1548-0046 |
B |
Particuology |
Elsevier BV |
1674-2001 |
B* |
Party Politics |
SAGE Publications |
1354-0688 |
A* |
Pasado y Memoria |
University of Alicante |
1579-3311 |
C |
Passato e Presente |
Franco Angeli Edizioni |
1120-0650 |
C |
Past and Present |
Oxford University Press |
3127-2746 |
B |
Pastoral Care in Education |
Routledge |
1468-0122 |
C |
Pastoral Psychology |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |
3127-2789 |
B |
Pastoralism |
SpringerOpen |
2041-7136 |
B |
Pathobiology |
S. Karger AG |
1423-0291 |
B* |
Pathobiology of Aging and Age-related Diseases |
Taylor and Francis Ltd. |
2001-0001 |
B* |
Pathogenesis |
Overseas Production |
1024-5359 |
B |
Pathogens |
2076-0817 |
A |
Pathogens and Disease |
Oxford University Press |
2049-632X |
A |
Pathogens and Global Health |
Maney Publishing |
2047-7724 |
A |
Pathologica |
Pacini Editore SpA |
0031-2983 |
C |
Pathology |
Elsevier BV |
3130-3025 |
B* |
Pathology Case Reviews |
Lippincott-Raven Publishers |
1082-9784 |
C |
Pathology International |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1320-5463 |
B* |
Pathology Oncology Research |
Springer Verlag |
1219-4956 |
B* |
Pathology Research and Practice |
Elsevier BV |
3440-0338 |
B* |
Pathology Research International |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
2042-003X |
B |
Pathophysiology |
Elsevier BV |
9284-4680 |
B* |
Patient |
Adis International Ltd. |
1178-1653 |
A |
Patient Education and Counseling |
Elsevier BV |
7383-3991 |
A |
Patient Preference and Adherence |
Dove Medical Press Ltd |
1177-889X |
B* |
Patient Safety in Surgery |
BioMed Central |
1754-9493 |
B |
Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalnaya Terapiya |
Meditsina Publishers |
3129-2991 |
C |
Pattern Analysis and Applications |
Springer Verlag |
1433-755X |
B |
Pattern Recognition |
Elsevier Ltd. |
3132-3203 |
A |
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis |
Maik Nauka Publishing / Springer SBM |
1054-6618 |
C |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
Elsevier BV |
1678-8655 |
B* |
Patterns of Prejudice |
Routledge |
1461-7331 |
B |
PCH. Physicochemical hydrodynamics |
Pergamon Press Ltd. |
1919-9059 |
C |
PCI Journal |
Precast - Prestressed Concrete Institute |
8879-9672 |
B* |
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology |
Parenteral Drug Association Inc |
1079-7440 |
B |
Peabody Journal of Education |
Taylor & Francis |
0161-956X |
B* |
Peace and Conflict |
American Psychological Association Inc. |
1078-1919 |
B |
Peace and Conflict Studies |
Network of Peace and Conflict Studies |
1082-7307 |
C |
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
1079-2457 |
B |
Peace Review |
Taylor & Francis |
1469-9982 |
C |
Pedagogies |
Taylor & Francis |
1554-480X |
B |
Pedagogika |
Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas |
2029-0551 |
C |
Pedagogische Studien |
Wolters-Noordhoff |
1650-0645 |
C |
Pedagogy, Culture & Society |
Triangle Journals Ltd. |
1468-1366 |
B |
Pediatria |
Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatria |
2444-9369 |
C |
Pediatria Catalana |
Fundacio Catalana de Pediatria |
1135-8831 |
C |
Pediatria de Atencion Primaria |
Asociacion Espanola de Pediatria |
1139-7632 |
C |
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna |
Medical Communications |
1734-1531 |
C |
Pediatria Integral |
Asociacion Espanola de Pediatria |
1135-4542 |
C |
Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica |
Vicenza Pediatria Medica E Chirurgica |
3915-5387 |
C |
Pediatria Polska |
Termedia Publishing House Ltd. |
3139-3939 |
C |
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1399-3038 |
A |
Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine |
S. Karger AG |
1017-5989 |
C |
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
1093-5266 |
B |
Pediatric Annals |
Slack Incorporated |
9044-4481 |
B |
Pediatric Blood and Cancer |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1545-5017 |
A |
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1092-9126 |
A |
Pediatric Cardiology |
Springer Verlag |
0172-0643 |
B* |
Pediatric Clinics of North America |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
3139-3955 |
A |
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
1529-7535 |
A |
Pediatric Dental Journal |
Elsevier BV |
1880-3997 |
C |
Pediatric Dentistry |
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry |
1641-1263 |
B* |
Pediatric Dermatology |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1525-1470 |
B |
Pediatric Diabetes |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1399-5448 |
A |
Pediatric Emergency Care |
Williams & Wilkins Co. |
0749-5161 |
B |
Pediatric emergency medicine practice |
EB Practice |
1549-9650 |
C |
Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews |
Y.S. Medical Media Ltd. |
1565-4753 |
B |
Pediatric endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism |
Cornetis |
2081-237X |
C |
Pediatric Exercise Science |
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. |
1543-2920 |
B* |
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition |
Korean Society of Pediartic Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition |
2234-8646 |
B |
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology |
Taylor & Francis |
0888-0018 |
B |
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal |
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics |
2468-1245 |
C |
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology |
The Publishing House Dynasty |
1726-1708 |
C |
Pediatric Infection and Vaccine |
Korean Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases |
2384-1087 |
C |
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
8913-3668 |
A |
Pediatric Intensive Care Nursing |
Aspen Publishers |
1819-7566 |
C |
Pediatric Nephrology |
Springer Verlag |
1432-198X |
A |
Pediatric Neurology |
Elsevier BV |
8878-8994 |
B* |
Pediatric Neurosurgery |
S. Karger AG |
1016-2291 |
B |
Pediatric nursing |
Royal College of Nursing Publishing Co. |
9798-9805 |
C |
Pediatric Obesity |
Wiley-Blackwell for the International Association for the Study of Obesity |
2047-6310 |
A* |
Pediatric Oncology |
Springer Science + Business Media |
2191-0812 |
C |
Pediatric Physical Therapy |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
0898-5669 |
B |
Pediatric Pulmonology |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
8755-6863 |
A |
Pediatric Radiology |
Springer Verlag |
1432-1998 |
B* |
Pediatric Reports |
PagePress |
2036-749X |
C |
Pediatric Research |
Nature Publishing Group |
0031-3998 |
A |
Pediatric Rheumatology |
BioMed Central |
1546-0096 |
B* |
Pediatric Surgery International |
Springer Verlag |
1437-9813 |
B* |
Pediatric Transplantation |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1397-3142 |
B |
Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Reconstructive Surgery |
Eco-Vector LLC |
2309-3994 |
C |
Pediatric, Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology |
Mary Ann Liebert Inc. |
2151-321X |
B |
Pediatrics |
American Academy of Pediatrics |
3140-4005 |
A* |
Pediatrics and Neonatology |
Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd |
1875-9572 |
B |
Pediatrics in Review |
American Academy of Pediatrics |
0191-9601 |
B |
Pediatrics International |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1328-8067 |
B |
Pediatrie pro Praxi |
SOLEN s.r.o. |
1213-0494 |
C |
Pediatriya |
Izdatel'stvo Meditsina i Fizkultura |
4797-7876 |
C |
Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo |
Mezhdunarodnyi Fond Okhrany Zdorov'ya Materi i Rebenka |
0031-403X |
C |
Pedobiologia |
Elsevier BV |
3140-4056 |
B* |
Pedosphere |
Kexue Chubaneshe/Science Press |
1002-0160 |
A |
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications |
Springer New York LLC |
1936-6450 |
B |
PeerJ |
PeerJ |
2167-8359 |
A |
PeerJ Computer Science |
PeerJ Inc. |
2376-5992 |
B* |
Pegem Egitim ve Ogretim Dergisi |
Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri |
2148-239X |
C |
Pennsylvania dental journal |
Pennsylvania Dental Association |
3144-4439 |
C |
Pennsylvania Geographer |
University of Pittsburgh Press |
5535-5980 |
C |
Pennsylvania history |
Pennsylvania Historical Association |
3145-4528 |
C |
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography |
Historical Society of Pennsylvania |
3145-4587 |
C |
Pensamiento |
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas |
3147-4749 |
C |
Pensee |
Espaces Marx |
3147-4773 |
C |
Pensee Plurielle |
De Boeck & Larcier |
1782-1479 |
C |
Pensions: an international journal (discontinued) |
Springer International Publishing |
1478-5315 |
C |
PentecoStudies |
Equinox Publishing Ltd |
2041-3599 |
C |
Peptides |
Elsevier BV |
1969-9781 |
B* |
Per Musi |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
1517-7599 |
C |
Perception |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
1468-4233 |
B* |
Perceptual and Motor Skills |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
0155-8688 |
B |
Perfect Beat |
Equinox Publishing Ltd |
1836-0343 |
C |
Perfiles Educativos |
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
1852-2698 |
B |
Perfiles Latinoamericanos |
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Mexico |
1887-7653 |
C |
Performance Apparel Markets |
Textiles Intelligence Ltd. |
1477-6456 |
C |
Performance Enhancement and Health |
Elsevier BV |
2211-2669 |
C |
Performance Evaluation |
Elsevier BV |
1665-5316 |
B |
Performance Evaluation Review |
Association for Computing Machinery |
1635-5999 |
B |
Performance Improvement Quarterly |
Wiley Subscription Services |
1937-8327 |
B |
Performance Measurement and Metrics |
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. |
1467-8047 |
B* |
Performance Measurement and Metrics: |
Emerald Publishing |
1467-8047 |
C |
The international journal of library assessment, value and impact (formely Performance Measurement and Metrics: the international journal for library and information services) |
Performance Research |
Routledge |
1352-8165 |
C |
Perfusion |
SAGE Publications |
1477-111X |
B |
Perichoresis |
Emanuel University Press |
1224-984X |
C |
Perinatologia y reproduccion humana / INPer |
Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia |
1875-5337 |
C |
Perinatology |
Prism Books Pvt. Ltd |
9722-2408 |
C |
Perinola |
Universidad de Navarra |
1138-6363 |
C |
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica |
Springer Netherlands |
3153-5303 |
B |
Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
2064-5279 |
C |
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering |
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
3037-7800 |
B |
Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering |
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
3246-6051 |
B |
Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences |
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
1416-3837 |
B |
Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering |
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
3245-5853 |
B |
Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering |
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
5536-6626 |
B |
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences |
International University of Sarajevo |
2303-4521 |
C |
Periodico di Mineralogia |
Bardi Editore |
2239-1002 |
B |
Periodico Tche Quimica |
Tche Quimica Group |
1806-0374 |
C |
Periodicum Biologorum |
Hrvatsko Prirodoslovno Drustvo/Croation Society of Natural Sciences |
3153-5362 |
C |
Periodontology 2000 |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0906-6713 |
A* |
Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management |
Elsevier BV |
2405-6030 |
C |
Peritia |
Brepols Publishers |
3321-1592 |
C |
Peritoneal Dialysis International |
Multimed, Inc. |
8968-8608 |
B* |
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1099-1530 |
A |
Persian Journal of Acarology |
Acarological Society of Iran |
2251-8169 |
B |
Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies |
Routledge |
1752-9182 |
B |
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing |
Springer Verlag |
1617-4909 |
B |
Personal Relationships |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1350-4126 |
B* |
Personality and Individual Differences |
Elsevier |
0191-8869 |
A |
Personality and Individual Differences |
Elsevier Ltd. |
1918-8869 |
A |
Personality and Mental Health |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
1932-8621 |
B* |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
Sage Publications |
0146-1672 |
A* |
Personality and Social Psychology Review |
Sage Publications |
1088-8683 |
A* |
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment |
American Psychological Association |
1949-2723 |
A* |
Personalized Medicine |
Future Medicine Ltd. |
1741-0541 |
B |
Personnel Psychology |
Wiley-Blackwell |
3158-5826 |
A* |
Personnel Review |
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. |
4834-3486 |
B |
Persoonia |
National Herbarium Nederland/Leiden Branch |
3158-5850 |
A* |
Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao |
A Escola |
1413-9936 |
C |
Perspective (France) |
Institut National d'histoire de l'art |
1777-7852 |
C |
Perspective infirmiere : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec |
Ordre Des Infirmieres Et Infirmiers Du Quebec |
1708-1890 |
C |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
The Johns Hopkins University Press |
1529-8795 |
C |
Perspectives in Clinical Research |
Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd |
2229-3485 |
C |
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation |
Associacao Brasileira de Ciencia Ecologica e Conservacao |
2530-0644 |
A |
Perspectives in Education |
University of Pretoria |
2582-2236 |
C |
Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association |
American Health Information Management Association |
1559-4122 |
C |
Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry |
Libertas Academica |
1177-391X |
A |
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics |
Elsevier BV |
1433-8319 |
A |
Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy and Psychology |
Springer International Publishing AG |
2214-3815 |
C |
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care |
Wiley-Blackwell |
3159-5990 |
B |
Perspectives in Public Health |
SAGE Publications |
1757-9139 |
B |
Perspectives of New Music |
Perspectives of New Music |
3160-6016 |
C |
Perspectives on Behavior Science |
Springer International Publishing AG |
2520-8969 |
C |
Perspectives on Federalism |
Walter De Gruyter |
2036-5438 |
C |
Perspectives on Global Development and Technology |
Brill |
1569-1497 |
C |
Perspectives on Political Science |
Heldref Publications |
1045-7097 |
C |
Perspectives on Politics |
Cambridge University Press |
1537-5927 |
A* |
Perspectives on Psychological Science |
SAGE Publications |
1745-6916 |
A* |
Perspectives on Science |
MIT Press Journals |
1063-6145 |
B |
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health |
Wiley-Blackwell |
1538-6341 |
A* |
Perspectives on Terrorism |
Terrorism Research Initiative |
2334-3745 |
C |
Perspectives on Work |
University of Illinois Press |
1534-9276 |
C |
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education |
Routledge |
1360-3108 |
B |
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology |
Routledge |
0907-676X |
B |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
1465-6493 |
C |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PWP) |
1468-2516 |
C |
Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology |
Universiti Putra Malaysia |
1287-7680 |
C |
Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities |
Universiti Putra Malaysia |
1287-7702 |
C |
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science |
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia |
1511-3701 |
C |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Elsevier BV |
1574-1192 |
B |
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira |
Empresa Basileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria |
0100-204X |
B |
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical |
Universidade Federal De Goias (UFG) |
1517-6398 |
B |
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada |
Associacao de Apoio a Pesquisa em Saude Bucal - APESB |
1983-4632 |
C |
Pesquisa odontologica brasileira = Brazilian oral research |
Universidade de Sao Paulo |
1517-7491 |
B |
Pesquisa Operacional |
Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional |
1017-7438 |
C |
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira |
Colegio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal |
0100-736X |
B |
Pesquisas em Geociencias |
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
1518-2398 |
C |
Pest Management Science |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1526-498X |
A |
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology |
Elsevier Inc. |
1095-9939 |
A |
Pestology |
Scientia Publications |
9703-3012 |
C |
PET Clinics |
Elsevier Saunders |
1556-8598 |
B* |
Petroleum |
KeAi Communications Co |
2405-5816 |
B* |
Petroleum Abstracts |
University of Tulsa |
3164-6423 |
C |
Petroleum and Coal |
Vyskumny ustav pre ropu a uhlovodikove plyny (VURUP) |
1337-7027 |
C |
Petroleum Chemistry |
Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing |
9655-5441 |
B |
Petroleum Economist |
Petroleum Economist Ltd. |
0306-395X |
C |
Petroleum Engineer International |
Hart Energy Publishing |
1648-8322 |
C |
Petroleum Exploration and Development |
Elsevier Science |
1876-3804 |
B* |
Petroleum Geoscience |
Geological Society Publishing House |
1354-0793 |
B* |
Petroleum Refinery Engineering |
Lianyou Sheji Bianjibu |
1002-106X |
C |
Petroleum Science |
Springer Verlag |
1672-5107 |
B* |
Petroleum Science and Technology |
Marcel Dekker Inc. |
1532-2459 |
B |
Petrology |
Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing |
1556-2085 |
B* |
Petrophysics |
Society of Professional Well Log Analysts |
1529-9074 |
B |
Petrotech |
Sekiyu Gakkai |
3862-2763 |
C |
Peuce |
Institutul De Cercetari Eco-Muzeale (ICEM) Tulcea |
2588-8102 |
C |
Pferdeheilkunde |
Hippiatrika Verlag GmbH |
1777-7726 |
C |
PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science |
Springer International Publishing AG |
2512-2819 |
B |
Pflege |
Hogrefe Publishing GmbH |
1012-5302 |
C |
Pflege Zeitschrift |
Springer International Publishing AG |
9451-1129 |
C |
Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology |
Springer Verlag |
0031-6768 |
A |
Pflugers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere |
Springer Verlag |
0365-267X |
C |
Phainomena |
Phenomenological Society of Ljubljana |
1318-3362 |
C |
Pharma Research |
Sudarshan Publications |
9758-8216 |
C |
Pharma Times |
Indian Pharmaceutical Association |
3168-6849 |
C |
Pharma-Kritik |
Infomed-Verlag |
1010-5409 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Biology |
Taylor & Francis |
1388-0209 |
B* |
Pharmaceutical Care and Research |
Yao xue fu wu yu yan jiu za zhi she |
1671-2838 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Care Espana |
Fundacion Pharamaceutical Care Espana |
1139-6202 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |
1573-9031 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Crops |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
2210-2906 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology |
Marcel Dekker Inc. |
1083-7450 |
B |
Pharmaceutical Engineering |
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Inc. |
2738-8139 |
C |
Pharmaceutical historian |
British Society for the History of Pharmacy |
7913-1393 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Journal |
Pharmaceutical Press |
3168-6873 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer |
Samedan Pharmaceutical Publishers Ltd. |
1463-1245 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Medicine |
Adis International Ltd. |
1178-2595 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology |
Bentham Science Publishers B.V. |
2211-7385 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing |
Russell Publishing LLC |
1945-3337 |
C |
Pharmaceutical patent analyst |
Future Science |
2046-8962 |
B |
Pharmaceutical Processing |
Advantage Business Media |
1049-9156 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Research |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |
0724-8741 |
A |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences |
2383-2886 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia |
Mahidol University - Faculty of Pharmacy |
2586-8195 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Statistics |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1539-1612 |
B* |
Pharmaceutical Technology |
UBM Medica Periodical Publication |
1543-2521 |
C |
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe |
Advanstar Communications Inc. |
1753-7967 |
C |
Pharmaceuticals |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) |
1424-8247 |
A |
Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law |
IOS Press |
2210-495X |
C |
Pharmaceutics |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) |
1999-4923 |
A |
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad |
Royal Netherlands Pharmaceutical Society |
3169-6911 |
C |
Pharmaceutische Weekblad Wetenschappelijk Platform |
Kon. Ned. Mij. ter Bevordering der Pharmacie (KNMP) |
1873-8982 |
C |
Pharmacie Globale |
Pharmacie Globale |
9768-8157 |
C |
Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien |
Elsevier Masson |
2211-1042 |
C |
PharmacoEconomics |
Adis International Ltd. |
1170-7690 |
A* |
PharmacoEconomics - Italian Research Articles |
Adis International Ltd. |
1590-9158 |
C |
Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles |
Springer International Publishing AG |
1695-405X |
C |
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1099-1557 |
A |
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd. |
1744-6880 |
B* |
Pharmacogenomics |
Ashley Publications Ltd. |
1462-2416 |
B* |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine |
Dove Medical Press Ltd |
1178-7066 |
A |
Pharmacogenomics Journal |
Nature Publishing Group |
1470-269X |
A |
Pharmacognosy Journal |
Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide |
9753-3575 |
C |
Pharmacognosy Magazine |
Medknow Publications |
0973-1296 |
B |
Pharmacognosy Research |
Medknow Publications |
0974-8490 |
B |
Pharmacognosy Reviews |
Medknow Publications |
0973-7847 |
B* |
Pharmacological Reports |
Elsevier BV |
1734-1140 |
B* |
Pharmacological Research |
Elsevier Inc. |
1043-6618 |
A |
Pharmacological Reviews |
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics |
1521-0081 |
A* |
Pharmacology |
S. Karger AG |
0031-7012 |
B |
Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
Elsevier Ltd. |
1637-7258 |
A* |
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior |
Elsevier Inc. |
9130-3057 |
B* |
Pharmacology Research and Perspectives |
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd |
2052-1707 |
A |
Pharmacologyonline |
1827-8620 |
C |
Pharmacopeial Forum |
Pharmacopeia |
3634-4655 |
B |
Pharmacopsychiatry |
Georg Thieme Verlag |
1439-0795 |
B* |
Pharmacotherapy |
Wiley-Blackwell |
2770-0008 |
A |
PharmacoVigilance Review |
Euromed Communications Ltd |
1752-6752 |
C |
Pharmacy Education |
Taylor & Francis |
1477-2701 |
C |
Pharmacy in history |
American Institute of the History of Pharmacy |
3170-7047 |
C |
Pharmacy Practice |
Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas |
1885-642X |
B |
Pharmacy times |
Romaine Pierson Publishers |
3062-0627 |
C |
Pharmakeftiki |
Papathanasopoulos |
1105-4999 |
C |
Pharmanest |
Pharmaceutical Education and Research Society |
0976-3090 |
C |
PharmaNutrition |
Elsevier BV |
2213-4344 |
B* |
Pharmazeutische Industrie |
Editio Cantor Verlag |
1616-7074 |
C |
Pharmazeutische Zeitung |
Govi Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag GmbH |
3171-7136 |
C |
Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes |
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines |
2075-2164 |
C |
Phase Transitions |
Taylor & Francis |
1029-0338 |
B |
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1568-7759 |
B |
Phi Delta Kappan |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
3172-7217 |
C |
Philippine Agricultural Scientist |
University of the Philippines at Los Banos |
3174-7454 |
C |
Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations |
University of the Philippines, School of Labor and Industrial Relations |
0115-6373 |
C |
Philippine Journal of Nursing |
Philippine Nurses Association |
4838-3818 |
C |
Philippine Journal of Science |
National Institute Of Science And Technology |
3176-7683 |
C |
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology |
Association of Systematic Biologists of the Philippines |
2508-0342 |
C |
Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine |
University of the Philippines |
3177-7705 |
C |
Philippine Political Science Journal |
Taylor and Francis Inc. |
1154-4451 |
C |
Philippine Statistician |
Philippine Statistical Association |
2094-0343 |
C |
Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints |
Ateneo de Manila University |
2244-1093 |
C |
Philips Research Report |
Philips Research Laboratories |
3179-7918 |
C |
Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine |
Philippine College of Physicians |
1199-9641 |
C |
Philobiblon |
Cluj University Press |
2247-8442 |
C |
Philologus |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
3179-7985 |
C |
Philosophers Imprint |
University of Michigan Press |
1533-628X |
A |
Philosophia |
Springer Netherlands |
4838-3893 |
B |
Philosophia (Philippines) |
Philippine National Philosophical Research Society |
2244-1875 |
C |
Philosophia Africana |
Depaul University, Department of Philosophy |
1539-8250 |
C |
Philosophia Antiqua |
Entomological Society of Canada |
7916-1687 |
C |
Philosophia Christi |
Evangelical Philosophical Society |
1529-1634 |
C |
Philosophia Mathematica |
Oxford University Press |
3180-8019 |
B |
Philosophia Reformata |
Brill |
3180-8035 |
C |
Philosophia Scientiae |
Numdam (Numerisation de Documents Anciens Mathematiques) |
1281-2463 |
C |
Philosophica |
Ghent University |
0379-8402 |
C |
Philosophical Explorations |
Routledge |
1741-5918 |
B |
Philosophical Investigations |
Basil Blackwell |
1467-9205 |
C |
Philosophical Magazine |
Taylor and Francis Ltd. |
3180-8086 |
C |
Philosophical Magazine Letters |
Taylor & Francis |
0950-0839 |
B |
Philosophical Papers |
Taylor and Francis Inc. |
0556-8641 |
C |
Philosophical Psychology |
Carfax Publishing Ltd. |
0951-5089 |
B* |
Philosophical Quarterly |
Oxford University Press |
0031-8094 |
A |
Philosophical Readings |
Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada |
2036-4989 |
C |
Philosophical Studies |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
3181-8116 |
A |
Philosophical Studies in Science and Religion |
Brill Academic Publishers |
1877-8542 |
C |
Philosophical Topics |
The University of Arkansas Press |
2762-2080 |
C |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences |
The Royal Society |
1471-2962 |
A |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
The Royal Society |
0962-8436 |
A* |
Philosophie |
Les Editions de Minuit |
2941-1805 |
C |
Philosophie Antique |
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion |
1634-4561 |
C |
Philosophische Rundschau |
Mohr Siebeck GmbH and Co. KG |
0031-8159 |
C |
Philosophisches Jahrbuch |
Verlag Karl Alber GmbH |
3181-8183 |
C |
Philosophy |
Cambridge University Press |
3181-8191 |
C |
Philosophy & Technology |
Springer Verlag |
2210-5433 |
B* |
Philosophy and Literature |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
0190-0013 |
C |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research |
Wiley-Blackwell |
0031-8205 |
A |
Philosophy and Public Affairs |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
1088-4963 |
A |
Philosophy and Rhetoric |
Pennsylvania State University Press |
1527-2079 |
B |
Philosophy and Social Criticism |
SAGE Publications |
1914-4537 |
B |
Philosophy Compass |
Blackwell Publishing |
1747-9991 |
A |
Philosophy East & West |
University of Hawaii Press |
3182-8221 |
C |
Philosophy of History and Culture |
Entomological Society of Canada |
9226-6001 |
C |
Philosophy of Management |
Springer International Publishing |
1740-3812 |
C |
Philosophy of Religion - World Religions |
Brill Academic Publishers |
2210-4828 |
C |
Philosophy of Science |
University of Chicago Press |
3182-8248 |
B* |
Philosophy of the Social Sciences |
SAGE Publications |
4839-3931 |
B |
Philosophy Today |
Philosophy Documentation Center |
3182-8256 |
C |
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine |
BioMed Central |
1747-5341 |
B |
Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
1086-3303 |
B |
Phlebologie |
Societe Francaise de Phlebologie |
3182-8280 |
C |
Phlebology |
SAGE Publications Inc. |
0268-3555 |
B* |
Phlebolymphology |
Les Laboratoires Servier |
1286-0107 |
C |
Phoenix |
University of Toronto Press |
3182-8299 |
C |
Phonetica |
S. Karger AG |
0031-8388 |
B* |
Phonology |
Cambridge University Press |
1469-8188 |
B* |
Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements |
Taylor & Francis |
1042-6507 |
C |
Photoacoustics |
Elsevier GmbH |
2213-5979 |
A |
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
1474-905X |
B* |
Photochemistry |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
5563-3860 |
C |
Photochemistry and Photobiology |
Wiley-Blackwell |
3186-8655 |
B* |
Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0905-4383 |
B |
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy |
Elsevier BV |
1572-1000 |
B* |
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing |
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
9911-1112 |
A |
Photogrammetric Record |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. |
0031-868X |
B |
Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation |
E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung |
1432-8364 |
B* |
Photographies |
Routledge |
1754-0763 |
C |
Photography & Culture |
Taylor & Francis |
1751-4517 |
C |
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery |
Mary Ann Liebert Inc. |
1549-5418 |
B |
Photonic Network Communications |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1387-974X |
B |
Photonic Sensors |
Springer Verlag |
2190-7439 |
B |
Photonics |
2304-6732 |
B* |
Photonics and Lasers in Medicine |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
2193-0643 |
C |
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications |
Elsevier BV |
1569-4429 |
B |
Photonics Letters of Poland |
Photonics Society of Poland |
2080-2242 |
C |
Photonics Research |
OSA Publishing |
2327-9125 |
A* |
Photonics Spectra |
Laurin Publishing Co., Inc. |
7311-1230 |
C |
Photosynthesis Research |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1573-5079 |
A |
Photosynthetica |
Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky |
0300-3604 |
B* |
Phronesis |
Brill |
0031-8868 |
B |
Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin |
Phuket Marine Biological Center |
8581-1088 |
C |
Phycologia |
Allen Press Inc. |
3188-8884 |
B* |
Phycological Research |
John Wiley and Sons Inc. |
1322-0829 |
B |
Phyllomedusa |
Universidade de Sao Paulo |
1519-1397 |
C |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |
Elsevier BV |
3784-4371 |
B* |
Physica B: Condensed Matter |
Elsevier BV |
9214-4526 |
B |
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter & C: Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics, Optics |
North-Holland Publ Co |
3784-4363 |
C |
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications |
Elsevier BV |
9214-4534 |
B |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Elsevier BV |
1672-2789 |
B* |
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures |
Elsevier BV |
1386-9477 |
B |
Physica Medica |
Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali |
1120-1797 |
A |
Physica Scripta |
Institute of Physics Publishing |
3189-8949 |
B |
Physica Status Solidi |
Akademie Verlag |
3189-8957 |
C |
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letetrs |
Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA |
1862-6254 |
A |
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials |
Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co. |
1862-6300 |
B |
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
1521-3951 |
B |
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics |
Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co. |
1610-1642 |
B |
Physical Activity Review |
PPHU Projack |
2300-5076 |
C |
Physical and Chemical News |
Best Edition |
1114-3800 |
C |
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics |
Haworth Press Inc. |
0270-3181 |
C |
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics |
Haworth Press Inc. |
0194-2638 |
B* |
Physical Biology |
Institute of Physics Publishing |
1478-3967 |
A |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
1463-9084 |
A |
Physical Chemistry Research |
Iranian Chemical Society |
2345-2625 |
C |
Physical Communication |
Elsevier BV |
1874-4907 |
B |
Physical Culture and Sport, Studies and Research |
De Gruyter Open Ltd. |
2081-2221 |
C |
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy |
Taylor & Francis |
1740-8989 |
A |
Physical Geography |
Taylor & Francis |
2723-3646 |
B |
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America |
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd. |
1047-9651 |
B* |
Physical Mesomechanics |
Springer Science + Business Media |
1029-9599 |
B* |
Physical Review A |
American Physical Society |
2469-9934 |
A |
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics |
American Physical Society |
1050-2947 |
A |
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams |
American Physical Society |
2469-9888 |
B* |
Physical Review Applied |
American Physical Society |
2331-7019 |
A* |
Physical Review B |
American Physical Society |
2469-9950 |
A |
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics |
American Physical Society |
1098-0121 |
A |
Physical Review C |
American Physical Society |
2469-9985 |